37 Best CSS Toggle Switches

CSS Toggle Switches

CSS is an important part of website development and design as it can be implemented in multiple ways. Coming over … Read more

70+ Best Hamburger Menu CSS & HTML

Hamburger Menu CSS

Hamburger Menu Design CSS are used in triggering a sliding sensation on the menu list while navigating a website. The … Read more

Follow Redirects with Command Line cURL

curl follow redirects

Introduction to curl curl is a free and open-source software for transferring data from and to a server. It is … Read more

25 Best Free CSS Breadcrumbs Snippets

When it comes to website development and designing, CSS plays an important role in creating attractive, functional and responsive pages. … Read more

Using AngularJS forEach() Function in AngularJS with Example

AngularJS forEach() Function

We are going to discuss Angular.forEach function. Angular has a very rich API with many functions and directives. forEach is … Read more

35+ Best jQuery Countdown Timer Plugins

What do think makes people rush to grab a deal as quickly as possible on an e-commerce website? The answer … Read more

21 Best Circular Progress Bar HTML & CSS

Circular Progress Bars are important to all web developers. jQuery lets developers add elements to their websites such as progress … Read more