Python eda Profiling With Example

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) profiling is a critical step in understanding and preparing your data for analysis. In Python, you can perform EDA profiling using various libraries and tools, including Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and more. Here’s a general overview of how to perform EDA profiling in Python:

  1. Import the Required Libraries:

Import the necessary libraries for data manipulation and visualization. Here’s a bit more detail on each library:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as snsCode language: Python (python)
  • Pandas serves as a powerful tool for both data manipulation and analysis, offering flexible DataFrame structures tailored for efficient handling and processing of tabular data.
  • Matplotlib a versatile Python library, empowers users to craft a wide range of visualizations, including static, animated, and interactive charts, aiding in insightful data representation.
  • Seaborn, built atop Matplotlib, streamlines the process of generating aesthetically pleasing and informative statistical graphics by providing an intuitive high-level interface.
  1. Load Your Data:

Load your dataset into a Pandas DataFrame. Depending on your data source, you can use functions like pd.read_csv(), pd.read_excel(), or others.

df = pd.read_csv('your_dataset.csv')Code language: Python (python)
  1. Basic Data Exploration:
    • Inspect the first few rows of the dataset to get an initial sense of its structure using df.head().
    • Check data types and null values using This will display the data types of each column and the number of non-null entries.
    • Obtain summary statistics of the numeric columns with df.describe(). It provides statistics like mean, standard deviation, min, max, etc.
  2. Data Visualization:Data visualization is a crucial part of EDA profiling. Create various plots and charts to understand your data better:
    • Histograms and Density Plots: Visualize data distributions.
    • Scatter Plots: Explore relationships between variables.
    • Box Plots and Violin Plots: Visualize distributions and identify outliers.
    • Bar Charts: Analyze categorical data.
    • Correlation Matrices and Heatmaps: Identify relationships between variables.
    Each of these plots helps you gain insights into your data’s characteristics and patterns.
  3. Handling Missing Data:Decide how to handle missing data. Depending on your dataset and analysis goals:
    • Use df.dropna() to remove rows with missing values.
    • Use df.fillna() to impute missing values with mean, median, or other strategies.
    Make these decisions based on the nature and extent of missing data.
  4. Feature Engineering: involves the creation of novel attributes or the alteration of existing ones to derive valuable insights and information. Feature engineering can improve the performance of machine learning models and enhance data analysis.
  5. In-Depth Analysis:Depending on your specific analysis goals, you might perform more advanced techniques such as:
    • Statistical Tests: Conduct statistical tests to validate hypotheses.
    • Time Series Analysis: For time series data, you can use techniques like decomposition, forecasting, and autocorrelation analysis.
    • Machine Learning: Apply machine learning algorithms for prediction or classification tasks.
  6. Documentation and Reporting:Document your findings, visualizations, and any data preprocessing steps in a clear and organized manner. You can use Jupyter Notebooks, Markdown files, or dedicated reporting tools for this purpose.
  7. Interactive EDA Tools:Consider using specialized EDA libraries like Pandas Profiling, Sweetviz, or DataExplorer. These tools can automate much of the initial data profiling and generate detailed reports, saving you time.
  8. Data Cleansing and Preparation:Based on your EDA profiling results, clean and prepare the data for further analysis, modeling, or machine learning. This may involve:
    • Removing outliers.
    • Encoding categorical variables (e.g., one-hot encoding).
    • Splitting the dataset into training and testing sets.

Remember that EDA is an iterative process, and the depth of your analysis depends on your specific goals and the complexity of your data. It’s crucial to explore, visualize, and understand your data thoroughly before proceeding with more advanced analyses or modeling.

Python eda Profiling Example

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a crucial step in the data analysis process. It helps you understand your data, identify patterns, and uncover insights that can guide your analysis and decision-making. One popular Python library for EDA is pandas-profiling. Here’s an example of how to use pandas-profiling for EDA:

First, you need to install the pandas-profiling library if you haven’t already:

pip install pandas-profilingCode language: Python (python)

Now, let’s create an example using pandas and pandas-profiling:

import pandas as pd
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = {
    'Name': ['John', 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Eve', 'Mike'],
    'Age': [28, 24, 22, 29, 32],
    'Salary': [50000, 60000, 45000, 70000, 55000],
    'City': ['New York', 'San Francisco', 'Chicago', 'Los Angeles', 'Boston']

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Generate a pandas-profiling report
profile = ProfileReport(df, title="EDA Report")

# Generate the HTML report

# You can also display the report directly in Jupyter Notebook
# profile.to_widgets()Code language: Python (python)

In this example:

  1. We import the necessary libraries: pandas for data manipulation and ProfileReport from pandas_profiling for generating the EDA report.
  2. We create a sample DataFrame called df with columns ‘Name’, ‘Age’, ‘Salary’, and ‘City’. You can replace this with your own dataset.
  3. We generate an EDA report using ProfileReport. You can customize the report by providing various options such as title, explorative, minimal, etc. In this case, we set the title to “EDA Report.”
  4. We save the EDA report as an HTML file using to_file(). You can also choose to display the report directly in Jupyter Notebook using to_widgets().

After running this code, you’ll have an HTML report (eda_report.html) that provides a comprehensive summary of your dataset, including statistics, data types, missing values, distributions, and more. This report can be a valuable starting point for your data analysis tasks and help you gain insights into your data quickly.

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  • Abdullah Walied Allama

    Abdullah Walied Allama is a driven programmer who earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Alexandria University's Faculty of Computer and Data Science. He is passionate about constructing problem-solving models and excels in various technical skills, including Python, data science, data analysis, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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