20+ Best Free Bootstrap Chat Templates

Initially, including a live chat functionality as part of a web page was considered as pure luxury. The site owners who had money were the ones who could afford it. However, that trend and understanding seem to have changed, as live chat modules appear as one of the fastest communication channels between customers and their providers.

Including a live chat to your web page does not only make your web page look lively, but it also ensures that business runs smoothly by ensuring that customers get answers to their questions just in time.

While it is always beautiful to incorporate a live chat functionality to your website, it’s mostly intimidating for some people to start thinking of how to put the structure together. If you do belong to this category of web developers, then today is your lucky day. We’ve got some nicely built 12 Bootstrap Chat Templates for your choosing pleasure.

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Collection of Best Free Bootstrap Chat Templates

Setting up these Free Bootstrap Chat Templates can be as easy as you can guess. For starters, their implementation is easy enough; with zero codings, your chat modules will be up and ready in just a matter of hours. Before we hit the button on knowing our various chat templates, let’s take a quick dive into some of the mouth-watering benefits of having a live chat feature on your website.

Boostrap Chat Box HTML Free Download

[button-red url=”https://nicesnippets.com/snippet/comment-box-design-with-add-comment-usign-bootstrap-4″ target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo/Download[/button-red]

Simple Comment Box using Bootstrap 3

This type of bootstrap comment box is designed to look like a chat box where people leave their comments and interact together. This bootstrap comment box does not end, it keeps going on and on as long as comments can go. It is most especially good for communicating with customers, you can add this to any website project you might be working on.


[button-green url=”https://codepen.io/magnus16/full/ijExL” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green][button-red url=”https://codepen.io/Creaticode/pen/ijExL” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Simple Bootstrap Comment Panel

The simple bootstrap comment panel features a colourful text area that includes a list of all the previous comments for users to catch up on posts. You can use this comment box perfectly for forums and social blogs to allow interaction between people. Developers can also use this comment section on their websites to allow others to contribute to their cause.

Simple Bootstrap Comment Panel

[button-red url=”https://www.bootdey.com/snippets/view/Simple-Comment-panel” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo/Download[/button-red]

Simple Comments Section Template

The simple comments section template is a good bootstrap comment box that is perfect for any website project that allows conversational style comments. It shows the comments below the box with the date and time of post and the name of the person who made the post. This comment box also allows you to reply, like and share other people’s comments.

Simple Comments Section Template

[button-green url=”https://codepen.io/danmv/full/VBVKOV” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green][button-red url=”https://codepen.io/danmv/pen/VBVKOV” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Bootstrap Messenger Comment Box Template

This template was designed by Evarevirus using Bootstrap 3.0. It has a fresh user-interface design and is suitable for chat apps or websites. Check it out using the link below!

Bootstrap Messenger Comment Box Template

[button-green url=”https://bootsnipp.com/fullscreen/mMr2l” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green][button-red url=”https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/mMr2l” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Boostrap 4 Message Chat Box

This is also another comment box within a messaging app and it was designed by Sunil Rajput. The comment box is designed using bootstrap 4.1 and it looks very awesome in a messaging app. You can pretty much use it in any other place like forums, forms and more.

Boostrap 4 Message Chat Box

[button-green url=”https://bootsnipp.com/fullscreen/1ea0N” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green][button-red url=”https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/1ea0N” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Elegant Bootstrap 4 Message Chat Box Template

The designer of this bootstrap comment box template SamimOnline has done a great job. The comment box fits nicely into this template below with rounded edges which looks like the Telegram messenger app. It comes with a button for attaching files and can also be resized as well.

Elegant Bootstrap 4 Message Chat Box Template

[button-green url=”https://bootsnipp.com/fullscreen/nNg98″ target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green][button-red url=”https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/nNg98″ target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Boostrap Comment Box Pop-up Template

The is a sheer example of how you can use bootstrap to add comment box pop up on your site. All users need to do is click “Open in Chat” and the comment box will pop up with previous comments shown above. It includes media attachment buttons and it can be resized to accommodate more text.

Boostrap Comment Box Pop-up Template

[button-green url=”https://bootsnipp.com/fullscreen/GXzyP” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green][button-red url=”https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/GXzyP” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Boostrap Chat/Comment Box HTML & CSS

Live chats are fantastic on your websites for the following reasons:

  • It ensures a great user experience
  • It promises more sales
  • Reduces your costs
  • It makes you to be unique from your competitors
  • If people get quick answers to all their questions, then it’s bound to translate to a higher conversion rate.

free boostrap comment box html

[button-red url=”https://codepen.io/magnus16/pen/buGiB” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo/Download[/button-red]

Neon Chat API – Free Bootstrap Chat Template

Neon Chat API is certainly going to get you thrilled. Its mature dark background and contemporary looks makes it an excellent template anytime any day. This template also does not give any problems with back end integration.

Free Bootstrap Chat Templates

[button-green url=”http://demo.neontheme.com/extra/chat-api” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://demo.neontheme.com/extra/chat-api/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Angular/Bootstrap Messaging Template

Request for a robust looking template for your chat modules and you will get yourself the Angular / Bootstrap chat free template. You know how developers regard Angular related scripts to be very smart and more engaging. This is a template that you would want to explore because of its rich user interface and plenty chatting tools.

Angular/Bootstrap Messaging Template

[button-green url=”http://codepen.io/stevepiercedev/full/luHjm/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://codepen.io/stevepiercedev/pen/luHjm/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Chat Socket : jQuery Bootstrap Chatbot Template

By merely looking at the image below, you can quickly tell that this chat template is a simple looking template. It’s got a jQuery plugin that help bring it to life in the shortest possible time. It is being regarded as a popular choice because it has got a self-explanatory interface that can be understood by any user.

Chat Socket : jQuery Bootstrap Chatbot Template

[button-green url=”http://oscaruhp.github.io/chatSocketAchex/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://oscaruhp.github.io/chatSocketAchex/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Free Bootstrap Chat box Template

Take this Bootstrap chat template, and all you need to do is carry out some customizations the way you want it and you are good to go. With its white background and black colored text, this template will always give users that lasting satisfaction anytime they log a message to the server. This template works with back end technologies like ASP, PHP and the likes.

Free Bootstrap Chat box Template 


[button-green url=”http://bootdey.com/snippets/view/Chat-box” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://bootdey.com/snippets/view/Chat-box” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Node.js Online Chat Template

Node.js bootstrap has a dashboard that makes it extremely easy for anyone to manage. You do not need any extra work to get it working for you. Just get the template and add a few tweaks here and there and your chat system would be up and running in no time.

Node.js Online Chat Template

[button-green url=”http://spacekat.me/blog/2012/09/17/design-process-node-dot-js-chat-app/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://spacekat.me/blog/2012/09/17/design-process-node-dot-js-chat-app/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Chat Room Template HTML

As an online business person, you may need to start thinking in the direction of this chat template. The beauty of any chat system is the ability of users to interact with each other in real time, and this template brings you the best of such functionality. You can change your online business by saving time and promoting effective communication between you and your customers with this freeBootstrap chat template.

Chat Room Template HTML

[button-green url=”http://demo.staticfloat.com/chat_tem/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://staticfloat.com/csshtmlxml/chat-template-auf-basis-von-h5bp-und-twitter-bootstrap/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Real-Time Bootstrap Chatbot Templeate with Meteor

This is another chat template that features a whole lot of chatting tools for your using pleasure. Although it has got an interface that is not too compliant with the modern chat platforms, it’s got some fantastic qualities of its own like linking up with other social media platforms with great ease.

Bootstrap Chatbot Templeate with Meteor

[button-red url=”http://www.tobyvervaart.com.au/blog/meteor/build-a-real-time-chat-application-with-meteor/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Minimal Bootstrap 4 Chat Template

There are a couple of bootstrap templates that are very easy to use, and Minimal Bootstrap Chat Template is one of such templates. It’s got a fantastic HTML code structure that makes it integrate nicely with web pages. This chat template has been put together with Bootstrap version 3.2. The compelling and enticing user interface also makes it a great choice for any e-commerce endeavors.

Minimal Bootstrap 4 Chat Template

[button-green url=”http://themeandphoto.com/taplivedemos/2014/09/15/bootstrap-chat-example/index.html” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://themeandphoto.com/bootstrap-chat-example-template/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Chat panel – Best Bootstrap Chat Box Template

The Chat Panel template is certainly going to get the best of your customers’ attention because of the way it is built. The chat layout is quite a masterpiece and it also wears the face of a contemporary chat system. Another plus is that it is quite easy to customize for your use, so you shouldn’t have any problem getting it to work for you the way you want.

Chat panel – Best Bootstrap Chat Box Template

[button-green url=”http://www.codeply.com/go/bp/6mdOs5FvKU” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://www.bootply.com/6mdOs5FvKU” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]

Free Bootstrap Chat Box Template

Most chat templates do come with their different styles and design patterns, and this particular template has certainly got some unique styling up its sleeves. It has got a great user interface that can be integrated into your website with great ease.

bootstrap 4 chat template

[button-green url=”designbootstrap.com/livedemos/2015/01/03/chat-box/index.html” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Demo[/button-green] [button-red url=”http://www.designbootstrap.com/bootstrap-chat-box-template-example/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external noopener noreferrer” position=”left”]Download[/button-red]


If you have been looking forward to having a great chatting module on your website, but you are not sure how to achieve your objective, you could start with any of the above templates. All the chat templates mentioned above come with good features, rich user interface and are easy to make use of.

  • Puspesh Deolal

    I am a passionate coding enthusiast with a strong desire to contribute to the world through sharing and expanding my knowledge. In 2022, I successfully completed my MCA from Uttarakhand Open University, equipping me with a solid foundation in computer science. My expertise extends to various programming languages including Python, HTML, CSS, JS, React, C++, C, Android Programming, and JAVA. I am constantly seeking opportunities to enhance my skills and stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

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2 thoughts on “20+ Best Free Bootstrap Chat Templates”

  1. Amazing bootstrap chat template, i have checked all of them. I love your way of writing and also content is very helpful. Keep posting and find more interesting ideas.


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