What is module and example in Python?

Modules are used to organize code and make it reusable. By placing functions, classes, and variables in a module, you can easily import and use them in different scripts without having to rewrite the code each time.

Modules typically have a .py extension and can contain any valid Python code. They can include functions, classes, constants, and even other modules. To use the contents of a module in your Python program, you need to import it using the import statement.

Here’s a simple example of a Python module:

Example: math_operations.py

# A simple module with some math operations

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def subtract(a, b):
    return a - b

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b

def divide(a, b):
    return a / b
Code language: Python (python)

Now, in another Python script or interactive session, you can import and use this module as follows:

Example: main_program.py

import math_operations

result_addition = math_operations.add(5, 3)
print("Addition result:", result_addition)

result_subtraction = math_operations.subtract(10, 4)
print("Subtraction result:", result_subtraction)
Code language: Python (python)

When you run main_program.py, it will import the math_operations module and use its functions add and subtract to perform the respective operations.

Keep in mind that Python has a rich standard library with many built-in modules that cover a wide range of functionalities, such as os for operating system-related tasks, datetime for date and time operations, random for generating random numbers, and more. Additionally, you can create your own custom modules to package your code and make it more organized and reusable.

What is the example of module and library in Python?

In Python, both modules and libraries are used to organize and reuse code, but there’s a subtle difference between the two:

  1. Module: As mentioned earlier, a module is a single file containing Python definitions and statements. It is a way to organize code within a file and make it reusable in other Python programs by importing it. In the previous response, I provided an example of a module (math_operations.py) that contains some basic math operations.
  2. Library: A library, on the other hand, is a collection of related modules or functions that serve a specific purpose. Libraries are typically larger and more comprehensive than individual modules. They often include a set of functions, classes, and modules designed to tackle a specific domain or task.

Here’s an example of a Python library:

Example: requests Library

The requests library is a popular third-party library used for making HTTP requests in Python. It simplifies the process of sending HTTP requests to web servers and handling the responses. To use the requests library, you need to install it first (if you haven’t already) using pip, the package installer for Python. Once installed, you can use the library to interact with web APIs and perform various web-related tasks.

Below is a simple example of how you can use the requests library to fetch the content of a web page:

# Importing the requests library
import requests

# URL of the web page to fetch
url = 'https://www.example.com'

# Sending a GET request to fetch the content
response = requests.get(url)

# Checking if the request was successful (status code 200)
if response.status_code == 200:
    # Printing the content of the web page
    print("Failed to fetch the content.")
Code language: Python (python)

In this example, the requests library is imported into the Python script, and we use its get() function to send a GET request to the specified URL (https://www.example.com). If the request is successful (HTTP status code 200), we print the content of the web page; otherwise, we print an error message.

Remember, before running this example, you need to have the requests library installed. You can install it using the following command:

pip install requestsCode language: Python (python)

In summary, modules are single Python files containing code, and libraries are collections of related modules or functions that serve a specific purpose and can be used to extend Python’s capabilities.

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  • Yaryna Ostapchuk

    I am an enthusiastic learner and aspiring Python developer with expertise in Django and Flask. I pursued my education at Ivan Franko Lviv University, specializing in the Faculty of Physics. My skills encompass Python programming, backend development, and working with databases. I am well-versed in various computer software, including Ubuntu, Linux, MaximDL, LabView, C/C++, and Python, among others.

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