How to use the subprocess Popen.communicate() method

The subprocess.Popen.communicate() method is used to interact with a subprocess in Python. It allows you to send data to the subprocess’s standard input (stdin), read data from its standard output (stdout), and optionally capture data from its standard error (stderr). This method is useful when you want to run external commands or processes from your Python script and communicate with them.

Here’s how to use the Popen.communicate() method:

  1. Import the subprocess module:
import subprocess
Code language: Python (python)
  1. Create a Popen object by specifying the command you want to run as a list of strings. For example, if you want to run the ls command on a Unix-like system to list files in a directory:
cmd = ["ls", "-l"]
Code language: Python (python)
  1. Use the subprocess.Popen constructor to start the subprocess and store the object in a variable, often named process:
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)Code language: Python (python)
  • stdout=subprocess.PIPE captures the standard output of the subprocess.
  • stderr=subprocess.PIPE captures the standard error of the subprocess.
  • stdin=subprocess.PIPE allows you to send data to the subprocess’s standard input.
  • text=True (optional) specifies that you want to work with text data (str) instead of bytes.
  1. To send data to the subprocess’s standard input, use the communicate() method:
input_data = "Some input to the subprocess"
stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input=input_data)Code language: Python (python)
  • input is the data you want to send to the subprocess. It should be a string if you specified text=True.
  1. communicate() will block until the subprocess completes. It returns a tuple containing the standard output and standard error of the subprocess as strings.
  2. You can now work with the output and error messages as needed:
print("Standard Output:")

print("Standard Error:")
print(stderr)Code language: Python (python)

Here’s a complete example:

import subprocess

cmd = ["ls", "-l"]
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

input_data = "Some input to the subprocess"
stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input=input_data)

print("Standard Output:")

print("Standard Error:")
Code language: Python (python)

This example runs the ls -l command, sends some input to it, captures its output, and prints it to the console. You can replace the cmd variable with any other command you want to run and adjust the input data accordingly.

How to Read streaming input from subprocess.communicate() ?

The subprocess.Popen.communicate() method is typically used to interact with subprocesses by sending input to their standard input and reading their standard output and standard error once the subprocess has completed. It does not read streaming input from a subprocess while it’s running. To read streaming input from a subprocess in real-time, you can use the stdout and stderr attributes of the Popen object.

Here’s an example of how to read streaming output from a subprocess:

import subprocess

cmd = ["ping", ""]
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

while True:
    # Read a line from the subprocess's stdout
    line = process.stdout.readline()
    # Check if the line is empty, indicating that the subprocess has finished
    if not line:
    # Process and print the line
    print(line, end='')

# Wait for the subprocess to finish and get its return code
return_code = process.wait()
print(f"Subprocess returned with exit code: {return_code}")
Code language: Python (python)

In this example, we run the ping command and read its output line by line in a loop until the subprocess completes. The process.stdout.readline() function reads a single line from the subprocess’s standard output. If the line is empty, it means the subprocess has finished, so we break out of the loop.

You can adapt this approach to read streaming output from other subprocesses as well. Just replace the cmd variable with the command you want to run and process the output as needed.

Subprocess.communicate not working: Issues and Fixes

If the subprocess.communicate() method is not working as expected in your Python code, there could be several reasons for the issue. Here are some common troubleshooting steps and potential solutions:

  1. Check the Command and Arguments: Ensure that the command and arguments you are passing to subprocess.Popen are correct. Make sure the executable or script you’re trying to run exists and is in your system’s PATH. Double-check that the command and arguments are specified as a list of strings.
  2. Verify the Working Directory: If your command depends on files or relative paths, set the cwd parameter of subprocess.Popen to the appropriate working directory.
  3. Handling Standard Error: If the subprocess is producing error output (stderr), you should also capture and check it using process.stderr. Sometimes, errors are reported on stderr rather than stdout.
  4. Handle Input Appropriately: If you’re trying to send input to the subprocess, ensure that you use process.stdin.write() or similar methods correctly to provide input. Be aware that some commands may not expect or require input.
  5. Blocking Behavior: Keep in mind that subprocess.communicate() is a blocking method. It waits for the subprocess to complete. If the subprocess never finishes or hangs, your code will also hang. Check if the subprocess requires user input or if it’s waiting for some external event.
  6. Check for Deadlocks: If you’re both reading and writing to the subprocess simultaneously, you may encounter a deadlock. Make sure you are reading and writing in separate threads or using asynchronous methods if necessary.
  7. Use shell=False: Unless you have a specific reason to use a shell, it’s generally safer to set shell=False when creating a Popen object. This can help avoid unexpected behavior due to shell-related issues.
  8. Capture Output and Error: Make sure you are correctly capturing the output and error by specifying stdout=subprocess.PIPE and stderr=subprocess.PIPE when creating the Popen object.
  9. Check for Exceptions: Wrap your subprocess.Popen and communicate() calls in try-except blocks to capture and print any exceptions that may be occurring. This can help you identify the specific issue.

Here’s an example of how to capture and print exceptions:

import subprocess

    cmd = ["your_command_here"]
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
    print("Standard Output:")
    print("Standard Error:")
Code language: Python (python)

By following these steps and considering the potential issues mentioned above, you should be able to diagnose and resolve the problem with subprocess.communicate() in your Python code.

Python Popen – wait vs communicate vs CalledProcessError

When working with the subprocess module and the Popen class to run external commands or processes, you have several options for controlling the execution and handling errors: wait(), communicate(), and CalledProcessError. Each of these has a specific purpose:

  1. Popen.wait(): This method is used to wait for the subprocess to complete and return its exit status. It blocks the parent process until the child process finishes. If you’re not interested in capturing the output or error of the subprocess and only need to know if it succeeded or failed, wait() is a straightforward way to achieve that. Here’s an example:
import subprocess

cmd = ["ls", "-l"]
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
return_code = process.wait()

if return_code == 0:
    print("Subprocess succeeded.")
    print("Subprocess failed.")
Code language: Python (python)
  1. Popen.communicate(): This method is used to interact with the subprocess by sending data to its standard input and reading its standard output and standard error. It waits for the subprocess to complete but provides a way to capture its output and error simultaneously. It’s useful when you need to communicate with the subprocess and capture its output. Here’s an example:
import subprocess

cmd = ["ls", "-l"]
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

if process.returncode == 0:
    print("Subprocess succeeded.")
    print("Subprocess failed.")

print("Standard Output:")

print("Standard Error:")
Code language: Python (python)
  1. CalledProcessError: This is an exception class that’s raised when a subprocess returns a non-zero exit status, indicating an error. You can use this exception to handle errors explicitly. It’s often used in conjunction with the function, which simplifies subprocess execution and error handling. Here’s an example:
import subprocess

try:["ls", "-l"], check=True, text=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    print(f"Subprocess failed with return code {e.returncode}")
    print("Subprocess succeeded.")
Code language: Python (python)

In this example, check=True tells to raise a CalledProcessError if the subprocess returns a non-zero exit status.

Choose the method that best fits your needs:

  • Use wait() for simple cases where you just want to wait for the subprocess to finish and check its return code.
  • Use communicate() when you need to interact with the subprocess and capture its output and error.
  • Use CalledProcessError when you want to explicitly handle subprocess errors, especially when using for simplicity.

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  • Aniket Singh

    Aniket Singh holds a B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from Oriental University. He is a skilled programmer with a strong coding background, having hands-on experience in developing advanced projects, particularly in Python and the Django framework. Aniket has worked on various real-world industry projects and has a solid command of Python, Django, REST API, PostgreSQL, as well as proficiency in C and C++. He is eager to collaborate with experienced professionals to further enhance his skills.

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