Easywp VS Hostgator: Who is the Real Winner?

Since the world is advancing and everyone is going digital, there’s a higher need for online platforms that help manage or promote websites, blogs, and other online businesses.

Web Hosting services is one of the most sought after, and if you are struggling with the decision of which WordPress solution will be best for your WordPress site or blog, you must have narrowed your search down to a few reasonable options, but of course, it depends on what your criteria for “reasonable” is.

You may be searching for a cheap hosting solution, but you must also consider the services provided, available features, and uptime guarantee.

Easywp and Hostgator are on our list of excellent web hosting services, as they offer users exceptional material services with excellent features at very affordable prices.

Suppose you are looking for  simple web hosting services, and you have narrowed down the several available options to Easywp Vs. Hostgator. In that case, you will need certification on which of the two is a better option for your required services.

In comparing these two WordPress hosting sites, you should remember that Easywp and Hostgator offer amazing hosting solutions, and your decision should be based on which of the two will meet your needs accordingly. 


Easywp is a WordPress hosting site with fully managed services that cut across all technical angles of your Website Management, including automatic WordPress installation, caching, backups and restores, SSL certificate setup, free CDN, and several other areas. Although Easywp’s operators handle all technical issues and setup concerned with managing your website or blog, you don’t lose absolute control and can still tend to some technical issues at your will. 

Easywp is an amazing web hosting site that will provide you with unique features and all the services needed to proffer all hosting solutions. It is not the best in the online market, but its competitiveness and excellent price offer put it on a high end in the scoreboard, which makes it sought by small and big business owners alike.

Some amazing features available on Easywp include;

Smart Hosting; Easywp offers users the tools and features needed to host their websites smartly. With the use of advanced technology and speed, your website is powered and managed with the best technical support. 

Ease of use; Easywp utilises the next-generation cloud services that enable your website to accept up to 50k visitors on the basic plan without slowing it down or causing it to crash.

Speed; You will enjoy blazingly fast power with Easywp as the web hosting site provides you with 3x faster speeds than a standard WordPress site. (source)

Great Uptime Guarantee; With Easywp, you are guaranteed a 99.99% uptime on the supersonic plan and 99% on the other basic plans, which keeps your website optimally available to visitors and ensures your reliability. 

Full WordPress Optimisation; as a WordPress platform,  it is only guaranteed that Easywp provides you with all WordPress services, the flexibility to build, write and edit your content to the level you want, and access to thousands of themes and plugins.

WooCommerce Integration;Easywp has all the services you need to start and manage your online commerce store with the WooCommerce plugin.

Jetpack and Yoast Services;You can customise and manage your WordPress managed website without the need for any coding skills and enjoy excellent optimisation services of your website for search engines.

Multiple Websites Use; You can access and manage all your WordPress sites with Easywp that allows you to connect domains, gain access to all your files using SFTP, and create backups for easy restoration in the future. 

One-click backup and restoration; With Easywp, you can backup all important files and documents in one click. You can also restore your files with a single-click with the platform’s easy-to-use interface.

Excellent Maintenance services; With the maintenance mode on, you won’t ruin the surprise for your visitors, and you can go live when you are prepared. 

SSL certificate; With the PositiveSSL certificate from Sectigo, available on the Turbo and supersonic packages in Easywp, your website will be integrated with encryption, dependability, and validation.

Easywp also offer users other amazing services, including;

  • Quick and easy connection of domains to WordPress sites from the Easywp dashboard 
  • Privacy with malware and spyware protection 
  • Amazing customer service with 24/7 availability 
  • Managed Ready To Go WordPress 
  • Secure and professional email service
  • WordPress installation in less than 90seconds
  • Free Namecheap cloud hosting, amongst other amazing services. 
  • 30-day money-back guarantee 

Although Easywp has all amazing features, integrations, and plugins suitable for the proper management of the website and online commerce stores, affordability is another crucial factor in determining which platform is more favorable in Easywp Vs. Hostgator.

Easywp’s plans and pricing

Starter Plan

The starter plan is accessible at $3.88 monthly,  but on the first subscription, new users can avail the services at just $1. Easywp’s starter plan is excellent for new website and blog owners, giving users access to 10 GB storage capacity and up to 50,000 monthly visitors, aside from the platform’s general services.

Turbo Plan

The Turbo plan is the most subscribed Easywp’s plan, recommended for its standard services. The turbo plan is all you need to let your website grow, offering you up to 50GB storage space, 200,000 monthly visitors, and other specifically designed services, including;

  • 1.5 more CPU
  • 1.5 more RAM
  • Free CDN (to be introduced soon)
  • Newly included, Free SSL

The Turbo plan is usually availed at $7.88 per month but can be accessed at $2 on the first subscription. 


The Supersonic plan is the most advanced plan available on Easywp’s web hosting, providing users with up to 100 GB storage space, 500,000 monthly visitors, and better processing and speed services with the algorithms below;

  • CPU power x2 of the primary power 
  • RAM speed x2 of the primary speed
  • 99.99 uptime guaranteed
  • Newly included free SSL
  • Free CDN to be included soon

The pros and cons of Easywp Vs. Hostgator is another excellent criterion for a successive comparison between the two platforms.

Based on popular opinions and reviews, the pros and cons of Easywp are;


  • Extremely affordable, even at the regular price 
  • Easy of use
  • Great performance 
  • Easy to use dashboard 


  • Automatic backup only comes with an installed WordPress plugin
  • No free SSL certificate like Let’s Encrypt, although it will be introduced on the Turbo and Supersonic plan soon.


Hostgator is an online platform that offers a wide range of online services, including web hosting services, Domain Name Registration, SSL certificates, and a few others.

The platform’s services are not restricted to hosting services, which makes it a very popular online platform with several features and services. For the sake of the review between Easywp and Hostgator,  we will emphasise Hostgator’s web hosting service.

One of Hostgator’s most amazing things is its specifically designed services that provide users with the exact features and solutions needed for their website management. With shared hosting services, website builder, WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. The different web hosting categories have their individual packages with different plans that offer a wide range of choices for customers. The different packages have specific features and services based on the level of hosting effectiveness needed. The web hosting packages available on Hostgator include;

Managed WordPress Hosting 

Hostgator’s managed WordPress hosting service is the real contender in Easywp Vs. Hostgator. With Hostgator’s WordPress plans, you will have fantastic security, from site security to daily backups, privacy and others. You also get fantastic load speeds and all the features and services you will need to proffer your website with the best hosting solutions.  Some of the general features available on the platform include;

  • Free email integration 
  • Free domain use
  • Unmetered bandwidth 
  • Single-click WordPress installation 
  • Up to 99.9 uptime guarantee 
  • Free migration services

Starter plan 

In Hostgator’s WordPress managed starter plan, users have access to one website use, up to 100,000 monthly visitors, and 1GB backup, accessible at the introductory offer of $5.95 monthly.

Standard plan

The standard plan is accessed at $7.95 monthly,  producing users with two website use, up to 200,000 monthly visitors, and 2GB monthly backup.

Business plan

Users will have access to 3 websites, 500,000 monthly visitors, and 3GB backups aside from the general features on Hostgator’s WordPress hosting plans. The business plan is accessible at $9.95 per month, and it is recommended for big online businesses.

Based on popular reviews, the pros and cons of Hostgator compared to Easywp include;


  • Very affordable 
  • Simple interface 
  • Good customer support 


  • Occasional downtime
  • Price renewal is relatively high

Final Verdict

Now that we have reviewed the features and services available on both Easywp and Hostgator’s hosting plans, we can safely compare both. Most of the platform’s offers on WordPress hosting services are similar, so we will be comparing features with the most contrast.

Affordability; Both hosting platforms are quite affordable; however,Easywp is cheaper, and the introductory offer is quite unbeatable. The regular price on Hostgator plans is a bit on the high side, which will only reflect after the first month’s introductory offer.

Storage capacity; Easywp provides users with far more dependable storage and backups compared to Hostgator.

Features; Hostgator provides users with better features compared to Easywp, although the latter still offers users really amazing features. 

After profiling the few areas that are comparable between both platforms, it is safe to say that Easywp is a better option for users that need standard hosting solutions, rather than extremely large online business owners.

  • Alan C. Navasquez Jr.

    I am Alan C. Navasquez Jr., a passionate graduate of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southeastern Philippines in the Philippines. Alongside my engineering background, I have a keen interest in websites and hosting.

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