Best Resources to Learn jQuery Tutorials (Step By Step)

Amongst the JavaScript libraries available, jQuery has quite a following amongst web developers and designers. As a web developer in the front-end niche, having a skillset in jQuery is a must-have in the fast-changing web industry. jQuery is a library that works at simplifying the process involved in going through and locating elements in an HTML document.

The jQuery language is a developer’s magic wand. It gives you the means to add Ajax interactions to pages, create animations, unbind and bind events in an easy way, and apply CSS to any items in an easy way. jQuery also easily replaces those long strings of JavaScript codes that often take so much time and are a pain to code.

Free jQuery Tutorial For Beginners

However, for novice developers, learning of the stock load of advantages offered by jQuery is akin to looking for a needle in a haystack. jQuery knowledge is very much sought after and you will find out that you won’t find it just lying around.  Getting hold of jQuery related resources is simply a challenge.

It is for this reason that the following list of 8 great websites to learn step by step jQuery has been put together. These sites will guide you along in your path and goals of achieving jQuery mastership. You will find valuable, easy to follow and well-crafted tutorials.

Learning jQuery

From the jQuery gurus themselves comes this well-packed blog. In here you will find all that you need to know about jQuery. There are plenty of tutorials along with techniques and tips towards being a jQuery master. The content is nicely arranged and presented to make your learning experience more enjoyable. Your jQuery learning journey gets a much needed shot in the arm here at the Learning jQuery website.

Learning jQuery

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W3 Schools

It is of a great advantage having all your jQuery learning needs in one reliable place. jQuery mix offers you that very resource, everything jQuery under one roof. The website is filled with news, resources, articles, and tutorials in jQuery. Search various topics easily without leaving the comfort of the website. This is indeed a perfect mix to help you learn the ropes in jQuery without having to search endlessly online.

W3 Schools

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jQuery for Designers

At jQuery for Designers, they have it all for you. They speak and showcase everything jQuery. The website is filled with plenty of resources and tutorials that will leave you in tears-tears of the joy of course-. The great demos, screencasts, and code will only work to sharpen your jQuery skills all the more. The sections containing easy, medium and hard jQuery content will help you gauge your progress as you learn jQuery. You can also test yourself and better improve your skills by jumping to harder stuff as you learn.

jQuery for Designers

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Udemy – Learn jQuery

Udemy – Learn jQuery has archive filled with loads of jQuery related content. You can get hold of tutorials and practical examples that will help you in your quest of mastering jQuery. Worth noting is that the website isn’t updated very regularly. Regardless of this, the website is still an invaluable jQuery resource.

Udemy - Learn jQuery

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At jQuery4u there is more than you can digest all at once in jQuery content. All the content in here is tailor-made with the jQuery learner of enthusiast in mind. You are indeed going to find this page quite helpful for it contains plenty of tips, tutorials, news, articles, and plugins. One notable plus in this website is it has sections for guest posts and blog authors. You can get advice from the pros, user-related feedback and unique jQuery experiences which can help you in tackling various jQuery related stuff as you learn. Once you visit jQuery4u you will find it hard to fight the urge of coming back for more jQuery knowledge.


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 Learn.jQuery Official Site

The king is here and he comes in the form of the jQuery King website. If you are into learning combined with fun, then jQuery King will fill up and meet you fancy in this regard. Everything in the jQuery King website is packaged and presented so that learning remains easy and full of fun. The people at jQuery King must staunch believers in the mantra-learning the easy way.

 Learn.jQuery Official Site

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Snoop Codes

The Snoopcode is an online tutorial site that gives you the overall view of what the jQuery JavaScript Library is. Knowledge of the ins and outs related to jQuery is a must-have as you move along in your jQuery learning journey. This is one online book that you will never regret having read once you go through it.

Snoop Codes

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For some, learning comes best via going through tutorials and implementing useful tips found in jQuery resources. The jQuery How To blog is one of these resources that contain plenty of helpful tips, guides, and tutorials. The content here will resonate well with novices as well as an expert in jQuery. Updates to the blog may not be frequent, however, but this in no way dilutes the content found here.


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Everything that is taught or learned online is most effective if it has an example attached to it. It is here that the jQUERYBYEXAMPLE website pushes all the desired buttons. The website will guide you and move you along in your jQuery learning journey while molding your skills through practical examples. As you try out and implement what is showcased in the website your advancement towards jQuery guru status becomes more and more real.


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All the websites, blogs, online books and other jQuery resources detailed above is a jumpstart for you and with them, you are bound to head in the right direction. From them you will also understand jQuery and what it’s all about, everything will become much clearer. This list of 8 great websites to learn step by step jQuery, however, is not entirely exhaustive, but it will still serve you well.

So go ahead and plunge in. Start demystifying and start using and working with the jQuery language. jQuery is here for the long haul.

  • Ciobanu Ion

    I am a Moldova-based Front End Developer with a strong background in Informatics and Information Technology from Centrul de Excelenta in Informatica si Tehnologii Informationale. My expertise lies in Front End Development, Database Administration, and AI Training. I am dedicated to creating seamless user experiences and innovative solutions in the digital realm.

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