What Is Requirements.txt For Python? [Explained]

What Is Requirements.txt For Python? [Explained]

requirements.txt file is a commonly used convention for specifying and managing project dependencies. This file is typically used in conjunction … Read more

What Does It Mean When A Python Language Is Untyped?

What Does It Mean When A Python Language Is Untyped

Python is often described as a dynamically typed language rather than an untyped one. Let’s clarify the difference: The type … Read more

Is Python Interpreted Or Jit Compiled?

Is Python Interpreted Or Jit Compiled

Python is primarily an interpreted language. When a Python script is executed, the Python interpreter processes the code line by … Read more

How To Check If Python Is Installed On Windows & Mac

How To Check If Python Is Installed On Windows & Mac

You can check if Python is installed on your computer by using the command line (or terminal on macOS and … Read more

Is Python Object Oriented Programming [Explained]

Is Python Object Oriented Programming [Explained]

Yes, Python is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. This means that it supports and encourages the use of object-oriented programming … Read more

What Is Python Hasattr With Example

What Is Python Hasattr With Example

hasattr is a built-in function that is used to check if an object has a given attribute or a named … Read more

Is ‘Self’ Mandatory In Python [Explained]

Is Self Mandatory In Python Explained

The self keyword is not mandatory, but it is a widely accepted convention when defining methods within a class. When … Read more